£9. For use with teak veneered and solid wood Ladderax parts in the teak colourway ( not mahogany stained). Click on image for details

Use on Ladderax teak veneers and solid shelves at least once a year to repel water nourish and improve the look.

We do not stock the dark colour scratch cover suitable for the dark mahogany stained Ladderax.

Avoid teak oil which attracts environmental dirt to the surface. Teak oil is a heavy sticky oil better suited for outdoor use. It is not recommended for use on thin teak Ladderax veneers.

Please note our minimum order is £25.

£9. For use with teak veneered and solid wood Ladderax parts in the teak colourway ( not mahogany stained). Click on image for details

Use on Ladderax teak veneers and solid shelves at least once a year to repel water nourish and improve the look.

We do not stock the dark colour scratch cover suitable for the dark mahogany stained Ladderax.

Avoid teak oil which attracts environmental dirt to the surface. Teak oil is a heavy sticky oil better suited for outdoor use. It is not recommended for use on thin teak Ladderax veneers.

Please note our minimum order is £25.